Friday 1 June 2012

A Porn Star's Guide to Making Love

Lots of women secretly desire the ability to totally turn on their man so that he will never look at another woman. The key problem is that most women are somewhat clueless as to what really satisfies a man in a way that moves his soul. Why do men look at porn movies or a blue movie of some sort? Is it the amazing acting? Likely not! There is something more at stake there.

The attraction is the idea of having a woman do whatever it takes to please him. And that means anything. A woman who will ask him what he wants and do her level best to give that to him, and who is forthright in telling him what she wants that would pleasure her as well. Shy does not work here!! Be assertive about having sex and taking pleasure in sex. Set an expectation long before you go to bed, rub up against him after supper; suggest a glass of wine and toast to a sensual evening together; put on a little makeup, or go all the way and wear something particularly provocative – you will not be disappointed.

Read more about it here:

 Make Love Like A Porn Star

If you are are interested in behaving like a porn star, then find a list of great places to find men here:

 Adult Dating Sites

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